
School Kit

Once enrollment is concluded, students receive the following items for daily use:
– Agenda
– Pencil case
– Hygiene case

School materials

School supplies are for individual use, such as notebooks, textbooks and other stationery items can be purchased from the school for a fee. For more information about fees and list of school materials, contact the School Secretariat by email


Little Kids has a standard uniform for everyday use. With modern design, the uniform is available at the following store:

Confecção Vó Guta

Rua Flávio Dallegrave, 69 (2142) – Hugo Lange
Fone: (41) 3263 4134 e 3363 5511

Primeira Impressão

Rua Moysés Marcondes, 950 – Juvevê, Curitiba – PR, 80030-410
(41) 3352-1463

Cley Uniformes

Avenida Iguaçu, 3983, Água Verde, Curitiba – PR, 80240-030
(41) 3242-4466 / (41) 98786-3022